Painkillers Driving Addiction, Overdose
Drug poisoning is now the No. 1 cause of unintentional death in the United States. In 2017, a total of 61,311 people died from drug overdoses – many from prescription opioid medicine.
Many adults prescribed opioids by doctors…
4 Reasons Sleep Is So Important for Weight Loss
By Bojana GalicOctober 29, 2019
While every weight-loss program or diet has its own nuanced take on the process, the basics are generally the same and involve trimming calories while increasing exercise. But most plans neglect…
Self-Care Practices to Try Over the Holidays to Avoid Seasonal Stress
Together with Athleta, we're compiling actionable wellness advice you need from the experts—and Well+Good is bringing it to life all year long at events in NYC. Here, reiki master and empowerment coach Kelsey J. Patel…
Always look on the bright side: being an optimist can help you live longer.
Studies have found that optimism is beneficial to your overall health, but is linked to a healthy heart and can even help ward off diseases.Optimists often have lower blood pressure, which reduces the…
#BeThere For The Holidays
Although this article is focused on the military, the content is important for the holidays for both our military and other family members.
According to the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, it is a commonly-held misconception that…
Vaping Dangers for Older Adults
What to know about recent lung illnesses and deaths
by Sari Harrar, AARP, Updated October 17, 2019
En español | If you're over 50 and vaping, it's officially high time to switch off that e-cigarette. All…
What You Can Do to Avoid the Flu
Fever, headache, fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, nausea: If these symptoms hit, you may have been bitten by the flu bug.
Who is Most Vulnerable?
People over age 65 comprised about 70% to 90% of all cases of flu in…
November is Diabetes Month
Whether you’ve been newly diagnosed, have been fighting against type 1 or type 2 diabetes for a while, or are helping a loved one, the American Diabetes Association is available to help you. Start gaining a deeper understanding of how you…
November Safety Checklist
November brings the start of the holiday season. With the holidays right around the corner, SafeWise provides you with a November Safety Checklist. According to SafeWise, "The holidays have arrived and with them come guests. Many, many…
October is SIDS Awareness Month
October is #SIDSAwarenessMonth. Help raise awareness of what a safe infant sleep environment looks like. Remember, babies sleep safest on their backs!
What Does A Safe Sleep Environment Look Like?
You can reduce your baby’s risk…