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More Most Common Errors Medicare Enrollees
Guessing when choosing a plan
It takes a great deal of time to compare plans. But, it is essential to do
some homework and invest time researching. Avoid the common mistake of just
picking an option out of frustration.
Home Care Is Least Affordable for Seniors Who Need It Most – Medicaid
By Bailey Bryant | June 3, 2019
Seniors who need nonmedical home care the most — the oldest, sickest and often most vulnerable — are the least likely to be able to afford it. Unfortunately, labor shortages are expected to make…
Six Most Common Errors Medicare Enrollees
Choosing the right Medicare plan is one of the most important decisions you
have to make as a senior. Since there are hundreds of policies to consider when
choosing and an overabundance of information to plow through with each one,
most people…
Why You Shouldn’t Stray from Your Doctor Network
To keep your health care spending in check, when seeing a new doctor or if
you are referred to a specialist, you should always check your health plan to
make sure the new doctor is in the plan's network.
If you don't and the doctor is out…